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16 April 2016


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Help with some clarification on an older post on Cruisers & Sailing Forum, dated 16-08-2009, if you can remember any of this. It was a while ago!

"From My Design to My Installation: New AC Power System"

"- The main panel service select breakers. Here I get a little tricky. Almost every AC panel have these: two double pole breakers with some slider that forces you to switch off one before you can switch on the other. They are intended for shore/generator or generator/inverter selection. I select between the main system and the small inverter. But now the tricky part: the main system is 120/240V and the small inverter is 120V only. The double-pole breaker for the main system has L1 on one pole and L2 on the other, at 25A breaker value. We don't put neutral on there for several reasons (need 3-pole breaker, neutral=jumpered hard to ground etc.). The second breaker, for the small inverter has a trick: one pole switches L; neutral isn't connected here either and the second pole inter-connects the two 120V bus bars of the panel (L1 and L2). This means that the output of the small inverter is available at all 120V breakers. You normally need two inverters for that, or an extra AT."

I'm confused. I'm confused a lot. Any help or diagram about what you are doing here? At your convenience!
Sincerely, Stephen

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